Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brad Paisley Injured In Fall On Stage

Brad Paisley took a nasty spill at his Charleston concert over the weekend.

Brad was singing the last song of the encore, 'Alcohol', on the very last show of his successfull American Saturday Night Tour. He was running on the stage and tripped and fell on his chest. No matter where fans were sitting, they were sure to hear the growl his guitar made when it was sandwiched between him and the ground after the fall.

Based on the video below, you can tell Brad is in a reasonable amount of pain. He went to the ER fearing a broken rib, and after a CT scan, besides being "very very bruised", he's going to be fine.
Brad stayed very active on his Twitter account during the ordeal, posting hospital pics, even offering to bring a fan backstage to meet him, if someone posted it on youtube. As TMZ put it, Ask and ye shall receive. The video is all over the net, including below. Here are some of the updates on Brad's Twitter throughout the night:

  • If ur wondering,it was the last song&last night of the tour&I was running fast on stage,tripped.really did think I broke a rib or something.

  • Allright, whoever posts the YouTube footage of it gets a meet and greet. I have got to see it. I hit hard. And I mean freaking hard.

  • And here, consulting the doctors. They said I was a very brave boy.

  • ​Here's the fine staff and myself in the ER of M U S C hospital.

  • Thx4 prayers,after my fall,I was just discharged from the hospital.Just very very bruised. Nothing broken, had a ct scan all is okay!

Check out the Video

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, Read Across America Day- Adam School, Santa Maria, Ca

Today is March 2 which is not only the 106th birthday of Dr. Suess, but its Read Across America Day.
I got to hang out with the kids in two classes at Adam School in Santa Maria (I know, great name for a school huh?).

I read a book on LA Dodger legend Sandy Kaufax to the 6th graders in Mrs. Snyder's class, and the classic Dr. Suess book, Green Eggs And Ham to Ms. Sylva's first graders.
I want to say a special thank you to 10 year old Danny. He is a 5th grader at Adam School, and I was told he was my chaperone. My mom would have gotten a kick how a 10 yr old was ordered to chaperone me around; too perfect. But he helped me around the campus, and told me what I needed to do to make sure "the kids liked me". He is a real cool kid, and I am glad I got the opportunity to meet him.

Thanks to all the staff and students at Adam School who were very welcoming and let me celebrate a day I probably wouldn't have on my own, Read Across America Day! I'm glad I did.